Friday, November 21, 2008

Remarks on Equine Extravaganza from Tess Logic

The Equine Extravaganza in VA last weekend was so successful! We were surprised at the great attendance. We expected a good turnout with lower gas prices in the area but we had a steady stream of attendees all three days and had the best Sunday in the history of the event! YAY!

Brock Griffith of NC won the trainer challenge! YAY Brock! He drew a nice roan colt ... funny to call a 17H sport horse a colt! All of these horses from VA Sport Horses seemed to have a LOT more life in them than the ones in the NC challenge. Brock made consistant steady progress with his colt ... he bucked the saddle on day one and was still rounded in the back on day two. Some saw the "want to" in the horse on day three, but he never bucked and Brock finished the obstacle course with time to spare and threw in some extras at the end.

Scott Purdum's horse was full of bucks! Scott really had a challenge and thou he did not win the competition he proved his ability to the crowd beyond the shadow of a doubt and endeared himself to all there. After an extremely frustrating start, in which his horse ... aptly named "Arrive Alive" was very weary of seeing him out of both eyes. On one side or the other, this cute bay colt was a happy camper. But when Scott positioned himself where he could be seen on either side ... the bucking began! It took more time for this colt to come around but on day three - Scott executed a beautiful ride and was so pleased with the horse's trust and acceptance during the obstacle course he became emotional!

Charles Pelham drew a spotted colt that liked to kick! Sort of disrespectful and pushy from the get go - Charles got his colt rode but he never seemed to like it much. Charles, is a great guy and very funny and knowledgeable.

Mule Thornbrugh looked to be in the lead after day one. On day two his colt bucked like a rank bronc and put Mule on the ground. Undeterred, Mule climbed back on rode through a good minute or more of bucking and we thought his colt was over it. Day three came and Mule was looking a good. Time for the obstacle course and be it the freedom of having the whole arena, or the crowds near the gate ... or has Mule put it "the good Lord saving him a whole lot of healing". His horse bucked and bawled and was not going to be ridden in the short 10 minutes Mule had to complete the course. In the end, he walked him thru graciously and showed the crowd he was a class act! Mule was great - all that bucking brought the folks back on Sunday. It's like Nascar - everybody likes a wreck!

Tess Logic, Owner and Editor of Horse South Magazine

Equestrianmag Article

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